
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

EARRINGS: Long Way Down, One More Thing

In early September 2011, I pitched an idea I had for a short film to my good friend. She told me it sounded dark and intriguing, and advised me to run with it. So now, nearly a year later, I’m ready to share that film with whoever is kind enough to watch it.

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but the hardest part for me personally as an artist is translating the vision I have in my head onto the page. Or, in this case, the screen. Very specific images of a young woman unraveling have been engrained in my head for years, and as production on Earrings developed, I knew exactly what I wanted it to look like, but was sure I’d never be able to fully execute it on film. Well, when I watch the final film now, I can honestly tell you that it is exactly what I wanted it to be. It speaks very accurately of my initial vision, as well as where I am as an artist.

I am very happy with it and extremely eager to share it with you.

Few things. Many have asked when the film will be available on Saturday. And after some deliberation, I’ve elected to make it live at noon on Saturday July 28. High noon, eastern standard time. I’ll have it embedded here, as well as on the Vimeo page where the trailer currently sits.

A handful of people have told me they plan on reviewing the movie after they watch it. That’s something I never expected and am still trying to wrap my head around (which I mean in a very good way). The only thing I ask of people who choose to review it is that you be honest. Love it, hate it, indifferent or ecstatic – just be true. I respect every blogger who has told me they plan to review it, and I know your reviews will be tasteful, no matter what.

To everyone who has tweeted, commented, facebooked, e-mailed, called, texted – to everyone who has lent the faintest shred of support toward myself and this film, thank you. I really hope you like what you see come noon Saturday.


  1. Looking forward to this man. Love those shots by the way. The first definitely brings images of Black Swan to mind. :)

    1. Black Swan! What a compliment. I love the look of that movie. Gritty and raw and real. Thanks for the comment, Josh!

  2. "I know I’ve mentioned this before, but the hardest part for me personally as an artist is translating the vision I have in my head onto the page." -- I honestly believe that's the hardest part for ANY artist. And I know how hard writing is ... believe me. :-)

    Looking forward to seeing Earrings on Saturday!

    1. You just see something in your head, and it is perfect, and then you try to articulate that in a creative fashion, and it just doesn't pan out. There's nothing more frustrating than that.

      But everyone involved in this film took their time executing my vision as accurately as I wanted. They were a dedicated bunch of folks who I am forever indebted to.

      And thanks for your comment, Stephanie, I'm excited to get it out there!

  3. Having just begun to follow movie blogs and wanting to be involved in the film industry myself, I must say that it's totally exciting for me to see a movie blogger who is also making movies himself. And psychological thrillers or any movie where a character begins to lose their marbles is my favorite genre. I'll be front row come Saturday.

    1. Damn Teddy, what a nice thing to say. Thanks so much for that. I really hope you dig the flick when you see it, I'll certainly be curious to hear what you think.

      Hey, do you have a blog right now? If so, I'd love to check it out.

    2. Too lazy to maintain a blog lol.

    3. Ah gotcha man. Well thanks for stopping by and commenting here. It really means a lot.

  4. We all can't wait, Alex! The stills look wonderful, we know how much you've put your heart and soul into this, and I'm sure it'll pull off :) We're about to start our final year shorts so I need some good short films to inspire me! haha

    1. Aww thanks Ruth! This movie IS my heart and soul haha. I put everything I have into it, and I really hope people enjoy it.

      Thanks for your support throughout this entire process. It means the world.

  5. Man I can not wait! So excited. Spent about ten minutes trying to wrap my head around what time it would be here in New Zealand when the movie's released, and it looks like for me it will be at 5am on a Sunday morning. Setting my alarm clock right now.

    1. Dude, you are 15 HOURS ahead? Jesus, that's nuts. I'm really excited for you to see this. You've been a fantastic champion of me and the film from the get-go, and I highly respect your opinion.

      Plus, given how much I know you love sleep, you waking up at 5 a.m. for me is quite an honor haha.

  6. I'm so excited! Seriously, this is my most anticipated movie at the moment!

    1. Ahh thanks Stevee! That is so kind of you to say! Can't wait to hear what you think.

  7. hey this is cool news alex. lucky it's not today as i've run out of internet but i'll definitely be watching in the week.

    1. Thanks Toby! No internet huh? Man, whatta bummer!

      Again, really glad to see you back on the blogosphere. I've got some reading to do on your site.

    2. I don't know how it works in the rest of the world but everything is quota'd here and i have been watching too many movies this month. Going over the quota means dialup equivalent. Painful!

      No rush on my content, its the internet, it will outlive me! Catch you over there mr durector.

    3. Oh wow, I had no idea that was how it worked. That's nuts!

    4. Yeah back in england i always just had unlimited internet. It was a tough learning curve when i ran out in the first week and had 26 days of dialup.

    5. Where do you live Toby? I had the same problem when I was in studying in South Africa. Internet data caps are a crime against humanity!!

    6. Im in western australia. They say it is because we have a small population spread over a large space. Other people say we rely on a cable from japan for our internet.

    7. Hahhaa shit, both of your comments ended hilariously. You guys rock.

  8. Can't wait for it! I'm seeing TDKR today but I'm so much more excited for Earrings.

    1. Aw thanks Sati! I'm really really curious to hear what you think about it.

  9. I've said enough to you about this in the past - you know what I compare it to, how much I'm looking forward to it. Everything. So I just figure I'll say this - I'll be watching it as soon as I can, and respond to it soon too.

    I'll let you know when I've seen it.

