
Monday, May 28, 2018

Top 140 Things I Love About Taxi Driver (that no one talks about)

As far as my film tastes are concerned, Taxi Driver is the one. The boss of it all. The best of the best. I saw Martin Scorsese’s urban masterpiece for the first time when I was 10 years old. A few years later, I began hailing it as my favorite film of all time, which is still the case to this day. I love everything about this movie, and, as a result, have a lot to say about it. Taxi Driver has been viewed, studied and discussed for decades, so the “no one talks about” aspect of this post may not be entirely true. But, alas, here’s my deep dive into the conflicted, frenzied, tortured mind of Travis Bickle.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

In Character: Keith David

Keith Davis is expert at sticking out amongst an ensemble. Many of the actor’s film and television roles (he has an astounding 287 credits on IMDb) include standout work he’s delivered in a large ensemble cast. In fact, four of those performances are listed below, as well as a few genuine supporting turns. The point is, no matter the size of the role, you always remember Keith David.