
My Films

Filmmaking is my passion, my end game – it’s the only thing I’ve ever envisioned for myself. When I began pre-production on my short film, Earrings, in 2012, I thought it’d be interesting to blog about its development. Similarly, after I finished my feature film, Wait, I thought it would be valuable to trace back and chronicle how I made it.

I really appreciate anyone who lands on this page and takes the time to watch my films. You can read about and watch the films here, or visit for a full scope of my work. Thanks for stopping by!

Full Circle (2008)
My first film. A no-budget, dialogue-free experiment of emotional expression I made in college.

A short film about a young woman unable to move past a tragedy she lived through some time ago.

WAIT (2016)
My first feature is a story about love. What it motivates us to do, and realizing when (and if) it is over.

A running list of every music video I’ve shot, and what I learned from each of them.


  1. Hi Alex, running through all of these at the moment- planning to maybe write about them since your blog has been such a huge inspiration over the years. Is there any way to access Ascent right now?

    1. Hey buddy! Thanks again for this comment, it means a lot to me. Excited to catch up over email!

  2. Hi Alex, excuse me if I missed it on your blog, but why didn't you talk about the making of "I Am Alive" on your blog like you did with your previous films? Looks like an exciting project !

    1. Hey Florian! Thanks so much for your interest! I actually posted about I Am Alive a few days after you left this comment! (Check it out here if you want!) I Am Alive will be released for free on Oct. 19, and I'll be talking about it a bit in the upcoming months!
